Friday, October 15, 2010

That's my girl

  After playgroup this morning, on a grey and dreary day.  Ivy told me " I dont want to go home, mama."
"Well, where do you want to go?",  "Shoe shopping!!!"  "OK!" thought I.  We went to the little town nearby that has quite a big shoe store for such a little place, which seems rather random to me but I'll take It!  They have a huge clearance section with hundreds of boxes of shoes, self serve try on styles.  Ivy seems to think rinestone cougar sandal heely atrocties are what I should be wearing- but hey, she's two.  Her faves were the geox Shark shoes , the ones all the little boys have.  " Look , they're beeping!!" 
It was such fun, and exciting for me, My mom was not into clothes or shopping. At all.  I, on the other hand, well let's just say I love it so much that I made a career out of it, so now that my daughter chooses it as a recreational activity, it makes me happy.  Especially since she doesnt seem to care if we buy anything or not....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

kitchen window

I love my kitchen window.  Windowsills are one of my favourite places to put little things, and my kitchen window has seen a lot of little things.  I was going through my pictures and came across these;

Saturday, September 11, 2010


So ,
I have been 36 for 36 days.  Weird.  Hopefully I can shake it up this year, find my purpose, my reason.
I live in a beautiful house on a beautiful piece of property in a beautiful piece of the world.  I cook lovely meals with gorgeous locally grown food, I shop at our farmers market weekly and thrift constantly. I have the great fortune of being the mother of an amazing creature who keeps me in wonderment.  I am creative, forward thinking, capable and smart (if I do say so myself).  Blessed, I know.  But, still,  I'm left feeling there is something I'm missing...

 Hopefully, this is the year I will figure it out... I have a plan:

1) Write everyday
2) Sew something everyday
3)  Record it all

so, here I go.  Join me if you like, it could be interesting!